EULOGY: “A Man At Home With Himself” 

Tim McCallum left this world at 5:32 pm,

Maui time, on July 22, 2023.


He was a man at home with himself.

He was at home within his inner terrain.

His showing up for others is memorable

to all who know him.

I say ‘know’ him rather than ‘knew’ him

simply because

with souls like Tim McCallum

there is no past tense.

The vibrant current flows on and on

like the great Watercourse Way.

Whatever bond you have with him…continues,

despite the presence

of a gauzy veil of memories between you.

Tim was a man at home with himself,


the women in his life

and his beloved son

his beloved brother

and cousins

and spirit-sisters

and students

and clients

and fellow DJs

and fellow Wayfarers

never had cause to doubt his love.

Tim McCallum was at home within his inner terrain.

He was a man of the Way (道).